Safe Gifts & Toys Month

With the festive season in full swing, parents across the country search high and low for quality gifts for friends and loved ones. Even though Santa ensures all presents he delivers are rigorously safety tested, Jaques feel just as passionately about Safe Gifts & Toys Month.
Our mission is to ensure that we deliver gifts to the same high standards as the man himself, Mr Claus.
Test of Time
One of the key elements in reducing children’s injuries is a thorough and fair testing process. This is the perfect opportunity to re-cap on some basic safety advice and brush up on your knowledge about buying safe and age-appropriate toys. So, which toys suit which tots?
Well, in addition to being safe, good toys for young children need to match their stages of development and emerging abilities. We believe in the power of real play for education and can guide you through gift purchasing decisions with our blog content.
Age Grouped
As you begin to browse toys for children of different ages, keep in mind that each child develops at an individual pace. However, safety recommendations tend to be grouped according to the child’s age. For instance, here are three golden rules:
When buying for babies or toddlers - Make sure it's unbreakable and strong enough to withstand chewing and the odd throwing – we all know how much toddlers love to be hands-on. That’s why toys for this ages range include toys they can reach for, hold, shake, make noise with Like rattles, teething rings, and squeeze toys.
Remember 3cms for under-threes – With children this age, parents should be aware of Choking Hazards, Small parts should be no smaller than 3 centimetres in diameter and 6 centimetres in length — so that they can't be swallowed. If you’re ever worried you can by a small parts tester to check your toys at home. These are widely available online through reputable sellers.
Materials for mini people - Paint on any toys should be lead-free & art materials should say nontoxic. For this reason, it’s best to avoid giving your infant painted toys made before 1978; they may have paint that contains lead. Try Toys that are made from water-based paints from a brand you trust.
Care & Consideration
Here at Jaques, our toys are Quality Assured and Product Safety Tested. Furthermore, our toys are made From Sustainable Sources with toxic-free Water Based paint for safe play. To this end, bear in mind that (although a lovely tradition), hand-me-down and homemade toys should be checked carefully as they may not have been tested for Current Safety Standards.