Remembrance Day Activities for Kids

The "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" marks the moment when the Allies and German forces signed the Armistice to halt the hostilities on the Western Front. This signified the end of WW1.
As the world moves forward, it is important that we remember the sacrifices made that allow us to live as we do today. 11am on the 11th November is a moment to pause and remember all those who fought and lost their lives in war.
It is important that as time continues to move on future generations are taught about the sacrifices made and why we will never forget.
The poppy is symbolic of war and a gentle way to introduce your kids to Remembrance Day. As described in the iconic WW1 poem 'In Flanders Fields', poppies grew on the battlefields when WW1 ended.
We have created some downloadable activities for your little ones, which centre around the poppy.
Poppy Colouring Sheets
Use our downloadable colouring sheet to introduce your kids to Remembrance Day. As well as being a good way to introduce children to important historical events, colouring helps to develop fine motor skills and inspires creativity.
Poppy Handprint Art
Get your paints out for this activity! Your children can make their very own piece of Remembrance Poppy Art using their hands!
Poppy Acrostic Poem
Use our downloadable template to get your kids to write a poem about Remembrance Day. The word 'Poppies' is written vertically down the sides. The first word of each line must begin with a specific letter. For example, the first word of the first line must start with a 'P'.
Lest we forget.