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Getting Kids to Read


There has never been a better time to invest into your child’s reading readiness. Kids between the ages of 6 and 8 are the most likely to be frequent readers, with Scholastic finding that 54% of children in this age group were regular readers. So, join Jaques of London as we pose the question, How Can I Improve my Child’s Reading?


Regular Reading Routines

Reading doesn’t just happen, and with so many distractions in our child’s hectic schedules, it can be difficult to see a word read, or a page turned. Be sure to stick to a strict reading routine. As with the development of any new skill, practice makes perfect. Experts recommend that new readers should be looking to spend 20 minutes each day reading. So, set aside a consistent period each day to shine a spotlight on the best children’s stories.


The Right Reads

Finding books that will intrigue and attract your child’s interest is essential to instil them with a love of literature. Improving your child’s reading is more than a simple educational process. It is about imparting your child with the desire to read. Finding the perfect book could mean the difference between reading and restlessness. Whether your child is an aspiring Jedi or would cherish a trip to a chocolate factory, finding the right read could be the start of their paperback passion.


Beyond Books

In our digital world, paper-back books need not be the only resource for our rascal’s reading-time. Of course, ungluing sticky children from their equally adhesive devices is a tricky task. Sending them back may seem counterproductive. Yet, in a world where digital devices are divine, it is equally important to note their many benefits. Reading applications can provide a learning experience in a digital space where children feel comfortable. Furthermore, interactive functionalities can respond to developing reading levels, meaning your child will never advance too quickly or be left behind.

If screen time is a no-go, you can also banish the books for educational reading games. Spelling puzzles and alphabet games are an ideal route towards textual tantalisation.


Know Your Reading Rate

Not all bibliophiles are born equal. We all must find our place in the land of literature, so going at your child’s own pace is essential to ensure that they avoid frustration. Reading, whilst dripping in academic ink, is meant to provide children with a source of fun and imagination.

There is no set age for reading to begin. It is, however, important to note that many children prior to the age of 5 are simply not ready to begin their reading journey. But, by the time they reach this critical age, kids will become increasingly capable of recognising letters and their connective sounds. They will also recognise the process of reading – top to bottom and left to right.

Pick the perfect time to commence with comprehension and your child is sure to revel in reading.


Join In

Raising a reader means more than slipping words before fresh faces. Learning to read can be a daunting experience. An accompanying reader can not only help with your child’s confidence, but also add to the fun factor. Your job is to play protector of prose and guide your child through the world of words. Of course, should the acting bug bite, you are free to go into performance mode and bring characters to life like never before.

It is important to remember that you are also a teacher of text. This is a great chance to mirror their school learning, so feel free to throw in a quick question at the end of each page to invigorate in verse. With the perfect partner in tow, reading is as easy as ABC.


Write to Read

The words we read come from a magical place. The world of imagination is sparked the moment pen meets paper. Why not gift the same joy to little book buddies and invite them to create their own stories? Not only will this free their own creative ideas and boost their confidence in self-expression, but it can also assist in guiding you to a discovery of other stories that are likely to bring literature to life for the littlest learners.


Play with Words

Words shouldn’t be scary (unless the word in question is “Ghost”), so what better way to get children interested than by making their reading time one of fun and fascination. Jellies should be wibbly-wobbly. Rockets should zoom and boom. Pups should pounce with prolonged pleasure. Whether using rhyming patterns, alliteration, puns or playful adjectives, apprentice readers will engage quickly with a fun world of words and reading. So, ditch Shakespeare and create a literary pier of excitement, as the rollercoaster of reading begins.


Fun with Phonics

As we already noted, by the age of 5, children are ready to begin the connection between letters and their accompanying spoken sounds. Phonics is the process of bonding these connections in the minds of brand-new readers. These bonds move further into rhyming patterns, consonant connections and recognition of syllables. This centuries old principle has become the standard bearer in the process of learning to read. Since 2013, synthetic phonics became a statutory learning process in England and is utilised at any age to encourage struggling readers.

So, have fun with phonics games and send child phonics supersonic.


When raising a reader, there is so much that parents and guardians can impart. So, when asking ‘How can I improve my child’s reading’, be sure to cast your eyes over Jaques literary lessons and become the authors of reading revelry for the latest visitors to hardback heaven.

For even more amazing reading and writing resources, look no further than the litany of literary lessons on offer at Jaques of London’s Mini Minds Hub.