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230 Year Old Toy & Games Makers

Educational Scavenger Hunt at Home

Educational Scavenger Hunt 

Learning begins at home, always has always will, and we applaud all parents, careers and family members that will be starting their home education journey this week. 

Its important to realize that this time is not just about "doing" school at home, but an opportunity to Home school your children and have your say in how they learn!

So instead of trying to replicate the style of school, instead encourage a lifestyle of learning that your kids will enjoy, this can easily be done through Real Play.  

A Slightly More Physically Active Game to Play at Home. 

Great for getting the children to learn without realizing it! We've never met a child that didn’t enjoy a find and seek game so why wouldn’t they want to play?

You can see our idea of suggested activities for this game below, but the truly great thing about this is that it is fully adaptable to every home.

You can also swap the activities for more difficult challenges for your children if they are older. You really can make this as simple or as challenging as you need.

Our only Tip 💡 for this game is if you have more than 1 child playing then you might want to remove any breakable objects from easy to knock off places 😊 
No one wants to see Mums' favourite vase broken! 
Scavenger Hunt 1
Scavenger Hunt 2
Scavenger Hunt 3


Playtime is often talked about by adults as if it’s a break from learning but to children play is serious learning! Educational games and activities are a core part of their learning journey.

Have aeducational Game that’s a family favourite? Let us know in the comments!